If you can sell, you can accomplish almost anything. (Just ask Willy Loman!) If you can sell a refrigerator or a car, you can make some pretty good money. If you can sell people things they will never need, you can make even more money. If you can sell people beliefs and ideas, you can go WAY beyond just making money. What about selling super-heroes?
Selling heroes, and the heroic ideal, is the challenge facing Wesley Catham in Wildstorm's The American Way #1. This new series, by John Ridley and Georges Jeanty, takes place in the tumultuous America of 1961. The country is facing the communist threat of the Cold War. Racial strife divides the nation and, of course, there are all of those annoying alien invasions to deal with. OK, so this isn't quite the America of 1961 you'll find in the history books. It's close enough, there are just a lot more super-humans running around.
Wesley works for the marketing department of a failing automobile company. Wes is not just a salesman though. He wants to give people something to believe in, even if it's only a car. On the verge of his big break, Wesley's career takes a sudden nose-dive when an alien invasion interrupts the debut of the new 1961 Icon. Though his career may be ruined, Wes and his wife are saved by the awe-inspiring intervention of the Civil Defense Corps!
The CDC is the government sponsored super-team whose job it is to keep the nation safe for truth, justice, and the American Way! Like the rest of America, Wes is amazed and impressed by these patriotic and selfless heroes. So how could it possibly be a bad thing when he is offered the job of marketing these great heroes to the American public? Of course, when the government is involved, things are rarely what they seem...
This series provides a great twist on the iconic super-team, and gives readers something to think about. How far should leaders go to manipulate the public? Is it bad to bend (or break) the truth if it makes people feel good? And just how much of what we see in the media should we really believe? Where does marketing end and lying begin? In our modern age of spin-doctoring, these are questions we should all be thinking about. See how reading comics can help you think? That is definitely The American Way!
So head over to Four Color Fantasies' today, and we will be happy to sell you this small slice of the American Dream. It's guaranteed, so you have nothing to lose. Unless you are a commie spy, you need to read The American Way! (You do look a little shifty, pal. You better read the comic, or we might get suspicious.)