Who can resist a shapely woman who can kick your butt without breaking a sweat? Apparently, too many people. No one can dispute the dearth of women in comics. Not enough women are working in the industry, not enough women star in the books, and not enough women are reading the material. Now's our chance to celebrate all three with the butt-kicking launch of Marvel's White Tiger.
Scripted by the married team of Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe, White Tiger captures the audience with an intriguing story: the mythical organization, the Chaeyi, might be real, the is-he-or-isn't-he Daredevil pops in, and our hero isn't sure if she wants all this. Angela Del Toro, the niece of the original '70s kung fu hero White Tiger, received Hector Ayala's amulets just before being fired from her FBI position investigating Matt Murdock as Daredevil. Leave it to Brian Michael Bendis to introduce a character so compelling she deserves her own limited series, but Del Toro really comes to life in the able hands of Pierce, best known for her strong female leads in a series of young adult fantasy novels.
Despite the history behind White Tiger, the authors quickly fill in her backstory without being bogged down in exposition. And together we stumble through Angela's personal dilemma about using the amulets and whether or not that means she has to wear a costume. In the first of six issues, the Black Widow shows up to mentor Angela and her first stop is helping choose the costume. Fanboys might be disappointed by the decided lack of flesh showing, but the skintight outfit draws the eye to every sinuous muscle.
The artwork by Phil Briones with inks by Don Hillsman and colors by Chris Sotomayor is realistic with gritty, dark New York nights and sunny, yet grimy streets during the day. The world of Angela Del Toro is captivating through the eyes of this creative team and her emotional life is revealed with every expression.
If you are a fan of Collen Wing and Misty Knight AKA Heroes for Hire (and if not, why not?), White Tiger is a must read. If you want to see more female action heroes, White Tiger is a must read. If you want your girlfriend to share your super hero obsession, White Tiger is a must read. Did you need any other reason to check this out? Oh, wait, if you hurry, it comes with Four Color Fantasies' money-back guarantee. Buy it today and make this Tiger purr.
Scripted by the married team of Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe, White Tiger captures the audience with an intriguing story: the mythical organization, the Chaeyi, might be real, the is-he-or-isn't-he Daredevil pops in, and our hero isn't sure if she wants all this. Angela Del Toro, the niece of the original '70s kung fu hero White Tiger, received Hector Ayala's amulets just before being fired from her FBI position investigating Matt Murdock as Daredevil. Leave it to Brian Michael Bendis to introduce a character so compelling she deserves her own limited series, but Del Toro really comes to life in the able hands of Pierce, best known for her strong female leads in a series of young adult fantasy novels.
Despite the history behind White Tiger, the authors quickly fill in her backstory without being bogged down in exposition. And together we stumble through Angela's personal dilemma about using the amulets and whether or not that means she has to wear a costume. In the first of six issues, the Black Widow shows up to mentor Angela and her first stop is helping choose the costume. Fanboys might be disappointed by the decided lack of flesh showing, but the skintight outfit draws the eye to every sinuous muscle.
The artwork by Phil Briones with inks by Don Hillsman and colors by Chris Sotomayor is realistic with gritty, dark New York nights and sunny, yet grimy streets during the day. The world of Angela Del Toro is captivating through the eyes of this creative team and her emotional life is revealed with every expression.
If you are a fan of Collen Wing and Misty Knight AKA Heroes for Hire (and if not, why not?), White Tiger is a must read. If you want to see more female action heroes, White Tiger is a must read. If you want your girlfriend to share your super hero obsession, White Tiger is a must read. Did you need any other reason to check this out? Oh, wait, if you hurry, it comes with Four Color Fantasies' money-back guarantee. Buy it today and make this Tiger purr.