First dates are always awkward, difficult, terrifying situations. You have to figure out what to talk about, what not to say, and how to not make yourself look like a total idiot. In the most extreme and horrible situations, you have to keep your date away from your embarassing family, who you just KNOW will ruin everything and make you look like a dork. You might think that super heroes don't have to deal with such trivial trials, but Robin might beg to different.
Robin #159 sees Tim Drake (AKA Robin) on his first date with Zoanne, his adorable classmate and tutor. Things start out just the way you might expect: bad conversation, awkward silences, and lots of goo-goo eyes being made across the table. Unfortunately for Tim, right after they order he gets an unexpected appetizer-a heaping helping of Bat-Signal. What is a sidekick to do?
Like many a normal parent, Bruce Wayne shows up (in costume) to catch a glimpse of Tim and his date. Unlike normal parents, Bats suggests that maybe Tim could cut his date short to come punch some bad guys. Naturally, Tim refuses. Most parents might get the hint and go away, but Bruce ends up crashing through the window and onto Tim's table. And you thought your mom showing off baby pictures was bad!
Robin #159 is written by Adam Beechen with art by Freddie William II. The story is a very clever super-heroic twist on a romantic comedy staple. Tim and Zoanne's conversation rings very true, as does Tim's suspicion that maybe Batman's date crashing wasn't ENTIRELY unintentional. William's art is a nice, clean style that works well for the story's romantic comedy moments but also perfectly captures an action-packed Bat-tussle.
This is a self-contained story with a little love, a little action, and a lot of fun. What more could you ask for? You know you have to find out if Robin gets a goodnight kiss or not! Check out Robin #159 while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. Just remember, comic shops are probably not the best place to bring a first date. MAYBE a second date...
Robin #159 sees Tim Drake (AKA Robin) on his first date with Zoanne, his adorable classmate and tutor. Things start out just the way you might expect: bad conversation, awkward silences, and lots of goo-goo eyes being made across the table. Unfortunately for Tim, right after they order he gets an unexpected appetizer-a heaping helping of Bat-Signal. What is a sidekick to do?
Like many a normal parent, Bruce Wayne shows up (in costume) to catch a glimpse of Tim and his date. Unlike normal parents, Bats suggests that maybe Tim could cut his date short to come punch some bad guys. Naturally, Tim refuses. Most parents might get the hint and go away, but Bruce ends up crashing through the window and onto Tim's table. And you thought your mom showing off baby pictures was bad!
Robin #159 is written by Adam Beechen with art by Freddie William II. The story is a very clever super-heroic twist on a romantic comedy staple. Tim and Zoanne's conversation rings very true, as does Tim's suspicion that maybe Batman's date crashing wasn't ENTIRELY unintentional. William's art is a nice, clean style that works well for the story's romantic comedy moments but also perfectly captures an action-packed Bat-tussle.
This is a self-contained story with a little love, a little action, and a lot of fun. What more could you ask for? You know you have to find out if Robin gets a goodnight kiss or not! Check out Robin #159 while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. Just remember, comic shops are probably not the best place to bring a first date. MAYBE a second date...