Sometimes big events in the world of comics get leaked and spoiled by the various comics news outlets. On a slow news day, they sometimes even break into mainstream news. (Like the recent Captain America hoo-haa.) But, every once in a while, the companies manage to keep the big surprises to themselves. They let it sneak up and kick readers in the pants when they least expect it. Even though a metaphorical kick in the pants can be fun, it stinks if you miss a key issue because you didn't know it WAS a key issue.
Such is the case with The Flash #13 by Marc Guggenheim and penciller Tony Daniel. It's not easy to surprise readers nowadays, what with the new-fangled internets, text messages, and cellular whatnots the kids are all using today. Information spreads fast (in a flash, you might say), so DC had to put some real effort into hiding the fact that this is the last issue of the current Flash series. They had phony solicits for future issues and writer Marc Guggenheim went around discussing plans for the book that he knew he wasn't actually writing. Oh, those cheeky monkeys!
So what actually happens in Flash #13? I won't be such a stinker as to give it away! I will tell you that it is an appropriately fast-paced finale to the current series. Guggenheim's story wastes no time getting down to business, and Tony Daniel's art is up to the occasion. He does a great job moving the action along apace, and in dealing with the more emotional moments of this tale. Of course, there will be a new Flash title soon, but it will clearly be very different from the current incarnation of the series.
So, if you care about The Flash at all, you need to read this book. If you like to have key, turning point issues in your collection, you need to read this book. If you enjoy a good, cathartic cry from time to time, you need to read this book! Pull on your running shoes and dash to Four Color Fantasies now, while The Flash #13 is the guaranteed Book of the Week! (No pouting if you miss it, you've been warned!)
Such is the case with The Flash #13 by Marc Guggenheim and penciller Tony Daniel. It's not easy to surprise readers nowadays, what with the new-fangled internets, text messages, and cellular whatnots the kids are all using today. Information spreads fast (in a flash, you might say), so DC had to put some real effort into hiding the fact that this is the last issue of the current Flash series. They had phony solicits for future issues and writer Marc Guggenheim went around discussing plans for the book that he knew he wasn't actually writing. Oh, those cheeky monkeys!
So what actually happens in Flash #13? I won't be such a stinker as to give it away! I will tell you that it is an appropriately fast-paced finale to the current series. Guggenheim's story wastes no time getting down to business, and Tony Daniel's art is up to the occasion. He does a great job moving the action along apace, and in dealing with the more emotional moments of this tale. Of course, there will be a new Flash title soon, but it will clearly be very different from the current incarnation of the series.
So, if you care about The Flash at all, you need to read this book. If you like to have key, turning point issues in your collection, you need to read this book. If you enjoy a good, cathartic cry from time to time, you need to read this book! Pull on your running shoes and dash to Four Color Fantasies now, while The Flash #13 is the guaranteed Book of the Week! (No pouting if you miss it, you've been warned!)