Hey kids! You like to be scared, don't you? So naturally, you'd like a comic that brings you tales of the horrible, the supernatural, and the just plain weird, right? I mean, who can pass up the comic book equivalent of sitting on the lap of a scary old man, who smells a bit, and hearing stories that plumb the depths of human awfulness? If you said, "Not me!" then you are the perfect audience for Dark Horse's revival of an old favorite: Creepy!
The original Creepy, from Warren Publishing, ran from 1964-1983. This horror anthology, hosted by the gruesome Uncle Creepy, brought readers a variety of stories calculated to creep them out and keep them from sleeping soundly. To bypass the restrictions of the Comics Code, Creepy was published as a magazine, rather than a comic. The impressive run of the original featured work by many of the greats, guys like Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, and Alex Toth.
Dark Horse's new Creepy is set to carry on the unsettling tradition of the original in grand, if disturbing, style. Uncle Creepy is back in fine form as he takes the reins once again to lead us through the darkest corridors of the human mind. This first issue has five new tales of unsettling horror, and one classic reprint from the Creepy vaults. If I say too much about the stories, I may rob you of the chill you will feel when you unearth them for yourself, but I can tell you that these fetid fictions are brought to you by the likes of Joe Harris, Dan Braun, Jason Shawn Alexander, Angelo Torres, Hilary Barta, and many others too terrifying to list. There's even a piece in here by the nightmarish Bernie Wrightson! To throw a final shovelful of dirt on the grave, the whole disturbing package is wrapped in a wonderfully awful portrait of the entire Creepy clan by the amazing Eric Powell.
If you like scary tales that chill the cockles of your heart, and maybe offer up some heaping helpings of righteous retribution to some deserving victims, you'll find something to love in the return of this classic horror anthology. If, however, you were hoping Uncle Creepy would reveal his famous recipe for Cat Brain Soup, you will be a little disapointed. Maybe next issue...
Anyway, don't miss out! Lurch over to Four Color Fantasies today and hand over a few moldy bills to try out Creepy #1. It is our guaranteed Book of the Week, so you have nothing to lose but your sanity. (And really, you weren't using that anyway.) Of course, if you don't try it, Uncle Creepy may have to send around a few of his more "unsettling" family members to persuade you, and I really don't think you want that.
The original Creepy, from Warren Publishing, ran from 1964-1983. This horror anthology, hosted by the gruesome Uncle Creepy, brought readers a variety of stories calculated to creep them out and keep them from sleeping soundly. To bypass the restrictions of the Comics Code, Creepy was published as a magazine, rather than a comic. The impressive run of the original featured work by many of the greats, guys like Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, and Alex Toth.
Dark Horse's new Creepy is set to carry on the unsettling tradition of the original in grand, if disturbing, style. Uncle Creepy is back in fine form as he takes the reins once again to lead us through the darkest corridors of the human mind. This first issue has five new tales of unsettling horror, and one classic reprint from the Creepy vaults. If I say too much about the stories, I may rob you of the chill you will feel when you unearth them for yourself, but I can tell you that these fetid fictions are brought to you by the likes of Joe Harris, Dan Braun, Jason Shawn Alexander, Angelo Torres, Hilary Barta, and many others too terrifying to list. There's even a piece in here by the nightmarish Bernie Wrightson! To throw a final shovelful of dirt on the grave, the whole disturbing package is wrapped in a wonderfully awful portrait of the entire Creepy clan by the amazing Eric Powell.
If you like scary tales that chill the cockles of your heart, and maybe offer up some heaping helpings of righteous retribution to some deserving victims, you'll find something to love in the return of this classic horror anthology. If, however, you were hoping Uncle Creepy would reveal his famous recipe for Cat Brain Soup, you will be a little disapointed. Maybe next issue...
Anyway, don't miss out! Lurch over to Four Color Fantasies today and hand over a few moldy bills to try out Creepy #1. It is our guaranteed Book of the Week, so you have nothing to lose but your sanity. (And really, you weren't using that anyway.) Of course, if you don't try it, Uncle Creepy may have to send around a few of his more "unsettling" family members to persuade you, and I really don't think you want that.