Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Terrible Good Fun: Avengers #500

To paraphrase children's author Judith Viorst, in Avengers #500 the Avengers have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I mean, days can't get much worse. Really.

It is probably not a secret to many of you that Avengers #500 is a big event for Marvel comics. It is a new jumping on point, it starts the Avengers run of very hot artist David Finch, and it is the first issue by fan favorite, super-genius writer Brian Michael Bendis. It also marks the end of the Avengers as we know them, and the beginning of a new direction that, as Stan Lee might say, "will change the Avengers' lives forever!"

Bendis really delivers the goods in this issue, as does Finch. The action starts on the second page and then never stops. The Avengers come under attack from an unknown source, an unknown source who apparently really knows their weaknesses and how to exploit them. Chaos (the title of this story arc, by the way) ensues, and the Avengers will really never be the same again.

In typical Bendis fashion, there is more here than just all-out action. The dialogue is snappy and the characterizations are all spot-on. The fact that he really captures these iconic characters so well makes the disasters that befall them that much more intense. There are also many mysteries to capture reader interest, and fuel speculation.

As an Avengers fan, and a Bendis fan, I was blown away by this issue! If you have any interest in these characters, or if you like well-written, over-the-top super hero action, you really have to try out Four Color Fantasies' Book of the Week, Avengers #500. Experience for yourself this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. (It's fun for you, you don't have to actually be there!)

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