Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Pirate-y Goodness: Tales of Tellos #1

Well now, Oy been readin' comics many a day and if thar be one thing Oy know, it's tha evyone loves a pirate girl. Oy can also---OK, that is enough fantasy/Scottish/pirate accent for now. Sorry.

Anyway, as I was saying, everyone loves a pirate girl, and Image Comics' Tales of Tellos #1 has just that. Not only does this comic have a pirate girl, it has trolls, a kraken, and some talking badgers too. All these elements are mixed together in a pretty nifty format, too.

Writer Todd Dezago and company have created a nice package with this book. The idea here is to create an anthology series based on the world of Tellos. You don't need to have read any of the previous Tellos stories to enjoy the Tales. The first issue of this anthology contains two stand-alone, new-reader friendly stories.

The first story is a traditional comic book-style tale about a crew of pirates (and their sexy pirate girl captain) coming ashore for repairs and a bit of rest and relaxation. Of course, nothing goes quite as planned and pirate hijinks ensue. The second story in this issue is an illustrated text tale about a thief and some badgers. The story is cleverly told and is accompanied by great illustrations from Craig Rousseau. The package is topped off with a nice pin-up and a cover by Mike Wieringo.

If you like humorous fantasy tales, pirates, sea monsters, trolls, or talking badgers, you shouldn't miss Tales of Tellos #1. How often are you going to find all of these elements together in one place? You can't go astray, since this is the guaranteed Book of the Week. OY swear, Oy wouldn't lead ya wrong. (And if you try it out, I promise not to do the silly pirate voice again. Arrrrrr, matey!)

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