Friday, January 21, 2005

Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill

First things first-of all the many characters who inhabit the Marvel Universe, Beta Ray Bill has, by far, the coolest name. It's just fun to say. Go ahead, give it a try. Don't be shy, say it good and loud a few times: "Beta Ray Bill, Beta Ray Bill, Beta Ray Bill!" Fun, huh?

In case you don't know about Bill, he was introduced many eons ago during Walt Simonson's justly praised run on Thor. Bill, a somewhat horse-faced alien, was one of the very few characters ever actually deemed worthy enough to pick up Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Because he needed Mjolnir to save his people, the Korbinite, Bill and Thor fought (How else do heroes make important decisions?) to see who should have the hammer. Bill whipped Thor's hinder, but cool pappa Odin made Bill a hammer of his own, called Stormbreaker. Bill and Thor became best-buddies, and went on to hit many things with hammers together.

Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill takes place just after Bill witnesses the utter destruction of Thor, Asgard, and all Asgardians at Ragnarock. Having had one of the worst days ever, Bill heads home to find his people locked in battle with a horrific and powerful alien menace. (Surprise guest star!) As if that wasn't bad enough, Bill's predecessor, Alpha Ray, has been awakened for battle. As you can probably guess, Alpha and Beta don't get along too well. Bill faces threats from all sides, and he can no longer rely on his adopted Asgardian brother to lend a helping hand.

Stormbreaker is written by Michael Avon Oeming and Dan Berman, with art by Andrea DiVito. Oeming is better known as the artist of Powers, but he was also the architect of the recent Ragnarock story-so he knows his Asgardians. DiVito's art is perfect for this title. The characters look powerful, and the combat and cosmic scenery are equally impressive.

If you miss Thor, if you like epic battles and planetary destruction, or if you just like horse-faced aliens pounding on things with magical hammers, you will love Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill. You can't go wrong, since the first issue is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week! This book is worth the price, just so you have an excuse to say, "Beta Ray Bill" as often as you please. (Warning: saying Beta Ray Bill repeatedly in public may make people think you've finally "gone funny.")

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