Thursday, June 23, 2005

Astro City: The Dark Age #1

A world full of super-heroes would truly be a cool and amazing place full of action, excitement and really wild things! If you were one of the super-folks. If, like everyone reading this, you were a regular, everyday person-no cosmic rays, no super-armor, no exposure to radioactive animal bites of any kind-things might not be so peachy.

That is the premise behind Astro City: The Dark Age #1. For the people of Astro City, their daily life is constantly being disrupted and endangered by alien invasions, super-people knocking buildings down and throwing cars at each other, giant spiders, and trolls coming out of the sewer. The constant turmoil in their lives really takes the edge off the "awe and wonder" of living in a world full of super-heroes.

The Dark Age specifically focusses on the lives of two brothers, Royal and Charles Williams. Royal is a petty criminal who is just about to dive even further into a life of crime. He takes advantage of the chaos in Astro City to prey on others and look out for himself. Charles has the unenviable job of being a police officer in Astro City. He tries to keep the chaos at bay, and tries to protect the normal citizens in this crazy world. Clearly, these brothers have a few issues between them.

The Dark Age is written by prolific fan-favorite scribe Kurt Busiek. Busiek does a great job here of combining everyday human drama with larger than life super-heroics. The art is by the equally respected Brent E. Anderson, and his slightly rough style truly captures the real-world feel of this series. Top that package off with covers by everyone's favorite super-hero painter Alex Ross, and you've got a trio of A-list comic book talents putting together a book that can't miss.

If you like your super-heroes with a little bit more real world appeal, or if you just enjoy reading a great, dramatic story, you can't go wrong with Astro City: The Dark Age #1. This promises to be the start of one of Busiek's most ambitious projects yet. You don't want to miss it, and you have no excuse not to try it out now while it is Four Color Fantasies' Guaranteed Book of the Week. Just remember, super-heroes may be cool but it wouldn't be so great if the Hulk leveled your house or Superman got knocked through your office building!

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