Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Book of Lost Souls

Everybody loves a mystery. From Sherlock Holmes to the X-Files to Wolverine's real name, mysterious and unknowable goings-on keep people interested and on the edge of their seats. We love to hunt for clues and put together the pieces, working out the real story one bit of evidence at a time.

The Book of Lost Souls, by J. Michael Straczynski and Colleen Doran, has more than enough mystery to go around. The story revolves around a Byronic, sensitive, and outcast fellow named Jonathan. At a not quite specified time in the past, Jonathan was having a pretty crummy life. He didn't quite fit in with polite society. He didn't have the money or the connections to get a university education. He couldn't get a job. Worst of all, he was rejected by the woman he loved more than life itself.

So, when Jonathan finds himself standing on a nice, high bridge one night, it comes as no real surprise that he decides to jump off. What is a little unusual though, is the old man who wanders up just before he jumps and offers Jonathan a nice heavy book to help weigh him down. No sense jumping if you aren't going to sink, right? The book turns out to be the key to Jonathan's new "life after death." He is torn between the powers of dark and light. He has a job to do, but the job description is pretty unclear. Who is the Dark Man? What is Jonathan actually supposed to do with the book? And what does the talking cat named Mystery have to do with anything?

This book is published through Marvel's creator-owned Icon imprint, so JMS really has the freedom to take this story wherever he wants it to go. Fans of his comics work, as well as Babylon 5 and other TV shows, know JMS is a master planner when it comes to building story arcs. I'm sure he knows where this is all headed. The fun for the readers will be putting together the pieces of the mystery before we get there. Colleen Doran's art fits the sombre tone of this story perfectly. Plus, that sexy hunk of beefcake Jonathan looks like he just walked off the cover of a bodice-ripping romance novel.

This book will appeal to all lovers of the mysterious and fans of supernatural fiction. If you like your comics to be about more than guys in tights punching each other, you will like The Book of Lost Souls. Head out to Four Color Fantasies today, and try this comic without fear. It's guaranteed! It's the Book of the Week! Just don't try to use it as ballast for jumping off of anything! Comics aren't really very heavy, ya know.

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