No matter what your political leanings may be, I bet that most of us can agree on one thing: ninety percent of politicians are full of enormous, stinky, piles of hooey. It seems to me that politics would be SO much more productive (and interesting!) if politicians could forget about fund-raising and public opinion polls, and actually say what they really think about the issues. Hopefully, deeds would quickly follow the words. With no more kissing up to lobbies, or sweet-talking the press, maybe the politicos would be able to DO something useful for a change.
What does this have to do with comics, you ask? (And isn't that one of life's more pressing questions? Everything should have SOMETHING to do with comics.) Well, it has a lot to do with Green Arrow #61. Part of DC's "1 Year Later" event, this issue reveals that, during the missing year of the title, Oliver Queen (the maverick alter-ego of Green Arrow) has gotten himself elected as the Mayor of Star City.
Written by Judd Winick with art by Scott McDaniel, this issue reveals Ollie as the kind of politician I would like to see in the real world. He says exactly what he thinks, without worrying about being politically correct, hurting anyone's feelings, or even seeming just a bit crazy. Wouldn't we all like to see a public figure stand up at a press conference and threaten to hit the press with fire hoses if they don't settle down? He makes it quite clear that he became the mayor to help his city, and he will do whatever it takes to make things happen. Even if it kills him. Of course, killing the new Mayor has already occurred to some people....
By far the best thing about this issue is watching Mayor Queen handle his first press conference. Winick's version of Ollie is a guy I would jump to vote for, if given the chance. Though the press conference is very funny, it also makes sense that this is the kind of no-nonsense politician anyone crazy enough to dress up in green and shoot arrows at criminals would be. For the action fans out there, this issue isn't all politics and microphones. Ollie does get to suit up for a little archery action, and McDaniel's clean, stylish art is equally good in both settings. (It does cross my mind that a big-time public figure might need more to disguise himself than a hood and a little tiny green eye-mask. The beard should be a dead giveaway!)
So if you like a little politics in your comicbook world, Green Arrow #61 may be just the book for you. Not many super-folks have managed much success in the political arena (I'm looking at you, Tony Stark), so I can't wait to see if Ollie pulls it off! Cast your vote for more butt-kicking, arrow-fletching politicians. Mayor Queen speaks LOUDLY, and carries a big quiver! Vote now while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week.
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