Sunday, September 17, 2006

Movie Thrills Meet Comics: Rush City #2

Rush may sound like the name of an energy drink or a protein bar, but it's also the name of DC's newest hero on wheels. Rush is the star of Rush City and, as his name suggests, he tends to move fast.

As any fan knows, lots of movies are being based on comics these days. It seems only fair that a comic or two may take some cues from the big movie guys in return. Rush City is a noir-ish book loaded with hot dames, a tough guy hero, and loads of car chasing with flashy cars. It has the non-stop action feel of movies like the Transporter series or The Italian Job.

Rush is a guy with a mysterious past who can find anyone who's lost, whether they want to be found or not. If the price is right, that is. In the second issue of the series, Rush finds himself tracking down a nerdy little French guy. Not so much for the money, but because the woman claiming to be the French guy's sister is incredibly hot. Of course, it seems a little odd that the stipulations of the job demand the missing brother be delivered alive, alert, and awake. Not to mention that Rush is far from the only person hunting down this apparently inconsequential movie geek.

Rush City is written by Chuck Dixon with art by Timothy Green II. The story and the art both keep things moving at a break-neck pace. Reading this book really feels like watching a big-budget action film. Dixon's dialogue is all very terse yet memorable, with our hero getting in an occasional action guy one-liner. The car chases and fist fights all convey the constant movement of a summer blockbuster. The only thing missing to complete the experience is a butt-kicking soundtrack. Hopefully, you can provide your own.

If you like action, cars, sexy women, and mysterious, brooding heroes, you should love Rush City. If you don't like those things, go watch some Matlock reruns. Either way, you should pick up Rush City #2 while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. Just don't blame me if you break any traffic laws on the way to the shop!

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