Saturday, December 15, 2007

Arse-kicking comic: Northlanders #1

Of all the arse-kicking tough guys to roam the earth in “ye olden days,” the Norsemen (AKA Vikings) were by far the most interesting. These huge, hairy, burly, bearded, manly-men lived in places so cold that frostbite was a summertime treat. It would have been totally understandable if they just huddled around the fire and cried, occasionally breaking off the tear icicles forming in their beards. But no! The Norsemen wildly embraced life (and death) by setting out to sea in tiny, rickety, wooden boats so they could plunder, loot, and kill their way across the world, discovering new places and people, and killing as many of them as they could! (With liberal helpings of wenches and booze to help pass the time.)

Writer Brian Wood and artist Davide Gianfelice take us for a visit to this violent Norse world in their new series Northlanders. In this first issue, an angry young Norseman names Sven learns that his father has died, and his unpleasant Uncle Gorm has taken over Sven’s rightful inheritance. Sven seems not so interested in the land or the people his father ruled, but he would like the cash that should be his. Sven heads for home, a desolate place appropriately called Grimness, to collect. Perhaps to no one’s surprise, horrible old Uncle Gorm doesn’t really plan to part with any of his wealth.

Northlanders has a story that feels authentic, and the historical vibe makes it all seem significant, while still being entertaining. Gianfelice’s art is appropriately grim, dirty, and bloody. It also certainly seems well researched, the character’s appearance, clothes, and squalid living conditions all come across as very authentic. But don’t worry; this is no dry history lesson. There is more than enough sword hacking and face punching to entertain even the most jaded reader. And, man, could those Norsemen swear! All our best rude words came from them!

So if you like fighting, history, or swearing, (and who doesn’t?) you don’t want to miss Northlanders #1. No pillaging necessary! Just stop by Four Color Fantasies and try this guaranteed Book of the Week. Just remember to plait your beard before you leave the house. Vikings were all about beard maintenance.

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