If you were to find yourself in a REALLY tough spot, one where you needed a true hero watching your back, would you rather have some crazy dude in spandex arrive to save the day or a genuine, honest-to-Zeus, legend? I think the smart answer is legend, and there is no one more legendary than The Incredible Hercules!
One of the best ideas Stan Lee and company ever had was the notion to incorporate characters from myth and legend into the Marvel Universe. Super-hero comics are often discussed as our modern mythology, tales of mighty heroes and villains battling it out, with the fate of mankind hanging on their titanic struggles. What better way to make those battles truly epic, than to bring in the very first great heroes envisioned by mankind? Thus, we have whole pantheons of Greek, Roman, and Norse heroes hanging with the Avengers, or Loki really ruining the Hulk's day. Genius!
Though guys like Thor and Balder may be more awe-inspiring, Hercules is by far the most awesome immortal around. He's a good-hearted, hard-drinking, not-so-bright, demi-god that you just have to love! He's defeated thousands of villains and monsters since the dawn of human history, but he's happy to crash on your couch with a pizza and a keg or two of beer. And he does it all in a leather skirt. How can you not love this guy?
As far as I know, this Incredible Hercules series, which sprang to life out of World War Hulk, is Herc's first ongoing title. Brought to you by writer's Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, with art by Rafa Sandoval, this book mixes mythology with modern Marvel's biggest events, to provide an excellent, important, and FUN read month after month. In the most recent issue, Herc is traveling around the country, with many stops for beer, with his sister Athena and his sidekick, the super-genius teen Amadeus Cho. Following their disastrous attempt to shut down S.H.I.E.L.D, Athena seems to be directing "the boys" efforts in a more useful direction. Of course, Herc seems to attract trouble everywhere he goes, and it isn't long before he gets them involved in a knock-down, drag-out fight with the Eternals. Much punching and kicking ensues!
This is seriously one of the most fun series Marvel has on the stands, and it really deserves your attention! Verily and forsooth, you must read The Incredible Hercules #116! It is a great jumping-on issue, with an awesome story, great art, and fun characters. Plus, there may just be a connection to a certain green-skinned, bumpy-chinned invasion that you wouldn't want to miss. Try it now, while it is the guaranteed Book of the Week at Four Color Fantasies. Don't let Herc down, or he may have to come crash at your place. Your fridge wouldn't last a day!
One of the best ideas Stan Lee and company ever had was the notion to incorporate characters from myth and legend into the Marvel Universe. Super-hero comics are often discussed as our modern mythology, tales of mighty heroes and villains battling it out, with the fate of mankind hanging on their titanic struggles. What better way to make those battles truly epic, than to bring in the very first great heroes envisioned by mankind? Thus, we have whole pantheons of Greek, Roman, and Norse heroes hanging with the Avengers, or Loki really ruining the Hulk's day. Genius!
Though guys like Thor and Balder may be more awe-inspiring, Hercules is by far the most awesome immortal around. He's a good-hearted, hard-drinking, not-so-bright, demi-god that you just have to love! He's defeated thousands of villains and monsters since the dawn of human history, but he's happy to crash on your couch with a pizza and a keg or two of beer. And he does it all in a leather skirt. How can you not love this guy?
As far as I know, this Incredible Hercules series, which sprang to life out of World War Hulk, is Herc's first ongoing title. Brought to you by writer's Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, with art by Rafa Sandoval, this book mixes mythology with modern Marvel's biggest events, to provide an excellent, important, and FUN read month after month. In the most recent issue, Herc is traveling around the country, with many stops for beer, with his sister Athena and his sidekick, the super-genius teen Amadeus Cho. Following their disastrous attempt to shut down S.H.I.E.L.D, Athena seems to be directing "the boys" efforts in a more useful direction. Of course, Herc seems to attract trouble everywhere he goes, and it isn't long before he gets them involved in a knock-down, drag-out fight with the Eternals. Much punching and kicking ensues!
This is seriously one of the most fun series Marvel has on the stands, and it really deserves your attention! Verily and forsooth, you must read The Incredible Hercules #116! It is a great jumping-on issue, with an awesome story, great art, and fun characters. Plus, there may just be a connection to a certain green-skinned, bumpy-chinned invasion that you wouldn't want to miss. Try it now, while it is the guaranteed Book of the Week at Four Color Fantasies. Don't let Herc down, or he may have to come crash at your place. Your fridge wouldn't last a day!