Saturday, April 05, 2008

Wolverine: First Class

Wolverine: he's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is gently and patiently mentor new mutants! OK, not quite, but we all know that deep down Wolvie is just a big softie, no matter how much he may try to hide it. That deeply buried sensitive side especially comes to the forefront when ol' Logan is partnered with a kid sidekick. Like, you know, Kitty Pryde.

In Wolverine: First Class, by Fred Van Lente and Andrea Di Vito, readers get a flashback to the early days of the all-new, all-different, X-Men. The X-Men still don't know one another very well, and they just got a new recruit in the form of an extremely young Kitty Pryde. Professor Xavier, in a move that can only be described as reckless child endangerment, thinks it will do wonders for both Wolverine and Kitty if they are forced together on a mission to locate a new and powerful mutant.

Longtime X-Men readers already know that Wolverine and Kitty have a pretty long mentor/mentee history together. This issue takes us back to get a new look at how this partnership got started. Wolvie is a grumpy old veteran and Kitty is a sweet, inexperienced newbie. Working together will either teach them something new, or get them both killed. Wolvie's betting on the pessimistic side of that equation. (I told you he was cranky, didn't I?)

This series is appropriate for Wolverine fans of all ages. It takes place out of continuity, with no worries about the latest crossover events and no need to know the last 25 years of X-Men history. You get a complete story, done in one issue, with nothing more required to enjoy the tale. This makes Wolverine: First Class a great book for new fans, or for fans of ye olden days who may have lapsed in recent years.

So what are ya waitin' for, bub? Pick up Wolverine: First Class this week, while your enjoyment is guaranteed! If you don't, Wolvie might go into a berserker rage and wreck all your old Claremont/Byrne X-Men issues. I don't think anybody wants that.

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