I don't know if you are in the market for real estate in this tough economy, but today I am hoping to interest you in a house. Not just any house mind you, this House is special. Not a House of Cards. Not even a House of Pancakes. I'm talking about a House.....of MYSTERY. (Insert appropriately spooky musical sting here. I mean, if you want to.)
Vertigo's House of Mystery #21, by Sturges, Rossi, and Aragones, is both the starting point for a new story arc and a self-contained, done-in-one story. How is such a thing possible? Well, it's like this: the House of Mystery is one of those legendary places that can be accesed from many places and times. Currently, it is located in the equally magical Stormfort Goblin Market. Of course, for some people, once you actually get to the House of Mystery, leaving becomes much more difficult than arriving.
One thing that isn't difficult, however; is paying your tab. All you have to do to keep the drinks coming is to tell stories. The folks at the House are pretty starved for entertainment. If you can keep the stories flowing, you can drink all day. What a deal! I'd like to see you pull up to the drive-thru at Sonic and offer to pay for your lunch with the story about how you fell off the roof that one time. It may be a great story, but it's not gonna buy you a sammitch. Only at the House of Mystery!
So, this issue not only introduces readers to the regular residents of the House, and all their troubles, it also gives you the terrifying tale of a new patron. Wilfred Brimley lookalike, and old-timey cowboy, Blind Buck pays for his 100% beaver eyeball free sarsparilla with the story of how he and his outlaw partner Dandy Dirk Prescott faced off against a true "abomination." Featuring a creature that is best decribed as "Satan's pet grizzly sicking up a jellyfish," and hilarious art from the always amazing Sergio Aragones, this story is worth the price of admission all on its own. But, rest assured, the rest of the book is actually pretty darn good too.
So, if you're lucky enough to find the fabled entrance to Four Color Fantasies (of Mystery?), you should definitely belly-up to the bar and ask for a copy of House of Mystery #21. (We're not really in the real estate business. Sorry if the intro was misleading.) Not only is it a great comic, largely eyeball-free, but it is also guaranteed all week! Unfortunately, you have to buy it with real money, not a story. Though, if you have a great story, like the time you journeyed to the underworld and fought Cerberus for a jelly doughnut, you're welcome to share!
Vertigo's House of Mystery #21, by Sturges, Rossi, and Aragones, is both the starting point for a new story arc and a self-contained, done-in-one story. How is such a thing possible? Well, it's like this: the House of Mystery is one of those legendary places that can be accesed from many places and times. Currently, it is located in the equally magical Stormfort Goblin Market. Of course, for some people, once you actually get to the House of Mystery, leaving becomes much more difficult than arriving.
One thing that isn't difficult, however; is paying your tab. All you have to do to keep the drinks coming is to tell stories. The folks at the House are pretty starved for entertainment. If you can keep the stories flowing, you can drink all day. What a deal! I'd like to see you pull up to the drive-thru at Sonic and offer to pay for your lunch with the story about how you fell off the roof that one time. It may be a great story, but it's not gonna buy you a sammitch. Only at the House of Mystery!
So, this issue not only introduces readers to the regular residents of the House, and all their troubles, it also gives you the terrifying tale of a new patron. Wilfred Brimley lookalike, and old-timey cowboy, Blind Buck pays for his 100% beaver eyeball free sarsparilla with the story of how he and his outlaw partner Dandy Dirk Prescott faced off against a true "abomination." Featuring a creature that is best decribed as "Satan's pet grizzly sicking up a jellyfish," and hilarious art from the always amazing Sergio Aragones, this story is worth the price of admission all on its own. But, rest assured, the rest of the book is actually pretty darn good too.
So, if you're lucky enough to find the fabled entrance to Four Color Fantasies (of Mystery?), you should definitely belly-up to the bar and ask for a copy of House of Mystery #21. (We're not really in the real estate business. Sorry if the intro was misleading.) Not only is it a great comic, largely eyeball-free, but it is also guaranteed all week! Unfortunately, you have to buy it with real money, not a story. Though, if you have a great story, like the time you journeyed to the underworld and fought Cerberus for a jelly doughnut, you're welcome to share!
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