Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Buy without Fear: Daredevil #76

You don't get to be called the "Kingpin of Crime" by being a nice guy. In fact, Marvel's Wilson Fisk, AKA the Kingpin, is one large, scary, intimidating, cold-hearted dude. If he invited you to visit him in his top-secret, super-duper high security prison cel, you would probably not want to go have a "friendly-chat." Especially if you were Ben Urich and had once been stabbed by one of the Kingpin's high-priced assassins. Yet, that is exactly what Ben finds himself doing in Daredevil #76.

The Kingpin hasn't really been on the scene since Daredevil (AKA Matt Murdock, big-shot attorney) last trounced him and took his place as the Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen. No matter how many times they square off, Murdock just can't seem to get Fisk out of his life for good. DD has had his share of troubles recently. He's had his identity revealed to the public, worked long and hard to convince the world that he ISN'T Daredevil, had his new wife leave him, and had his fellow heroes question his whole "I am the new Kingpin" approach to crime-fighting. He really should have known that, just as things started looking up, Fisk would show up to throw a big fat wrench into the works of Matt's life.

Daredevil #76 begins the last DD storyline by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev. You might have heard of this Bendis guy. He has been known to write a few bestselling comics for Marvel, like Ultimate Spider-Man, House of M, New Avengers, and almost everything else they publish. Marvel may have one or two books by other writers, I'll have to look that up. Anyway, Bendis and Maleev have had a long, critically acclaimed run on Daredevil, so you know they are going to go out with a bang. Bendis's writing is consistently excellent, and his crime-noir Daredevil stories are a perfect match for Maleev's gritty, realistic art.

This book has great creators, it has the return of the Kingpin, and it has a whole dump truck load of complications for Murdock's already crazy life. It is a good thing Daredevil is known as "The Man Without Fear," cause it seems like his life is set to get mighty scary.

Now you can be the "Comic Book Reader Without Fear!" Buy Daredevil #76 today! It is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. You don't have to be afraid to rush out and get this book now, but you should look carefully for trucks carrying radioactive waste when you cross the road. No need to be reckless.

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