He's the baddest dude in the whole Marvel Universe. He's the man with many a plan, the man in the iron mask, the dictator from Latveria. He's the Fantastic Four's greatest enemy, and the one guy NO ONE really wants to cross. He'll wipe you from the face of the Earth before you even know what happened. That's right, you all know who I'm talkin' about. It's DOOM, baby! Victor Von Doom, that is. And he's planning to take over the world.
There are an awful lot of thoroughly hyped event comics crossovers going on in the big two's superhero universes right now. Arguably, a few too many. In between all the Black Lanterns, Sieges, and Hulk Wars, many readers seem to have missed another, less hyped but equally Earth-shattering event: Doomwar.
Of course, Doctor Doom is always scheming up new ways to conquer the world and put a stop to that accursed Reed Richards and his heroic shenanigans, but this time he seems to be onto a real winner. He's teamed up with some shadowy insurgents to wrest control of the Black Panther's country, Wakanda, from its rightful rulers. Taking over one country is pretty small potatoes for Doom, but Wakanda also happens to be the world's only source of the miracle metal Vibranium. In the hands of the right craftsman, Vibranium can make some amazing gadgets, like Captain America's shield, for example. But it can also amplify mystical energy, and Doom has a whole bunch of mystical energy at his fingertips. With ten thousand tons of Vibranium at his command, Doom could easily become the most powerful force ever to walk the Earth. And considering some of the folks who have walked the Marvel U's Earth, we're talking about some serious power.
To conquer Wakanda, Doom had to get King T'Challa, AKA the Black Panther, out of the way. That also means dealing with Queen Ororo, AKA the X-Men's Storm. As you can imagine, the X-Men aren't very happy to see Storm arrested and sentenced to execution for "treason." When an angry T'Challa shows up looking for some help to take back his country, he finds some more-than-willing mutants ready to go kick butt and chew bubblegum. Need I even mention that they're all out of bubblegum?
With the X-Men, the Black Panther, and Doctor Doom already invilved, you can bet it won't be long before even more of the Marvel Universe is pulled into the Doomwar. Writer Jonathan Maberry has gotten this story off to a compelling start. The characters are well-written, the stakes are high, and the drama will quickly pull you in. (And the last scene of the first issue is a definite "Whoa!" moment.) Scot Eaton's art is an excellent complement to the story, with loads of detail that lends the characters and events of this tale some serious dramatic heft. Best of all, this "event" is confined to one limited series, so you don't have to worry about a bazillion crossovers or spin-offs.
So, to reiterate: DOOM, baby, DOCTOR DOOM! (He's got a PHD in kicking your butt!) You know you love him, but if you don't give this guaranteed Book of the Week a try, you just might find yourself on his "naughty" list. Believe me, you DON'T want to be on Doom's naughty list. Pick up Doomwar #1 today, or you'll be sorry you didn't. Why? Because DOOM, that's why.
There are an awful lot of thoroughly hyped event comics crossovers going on in the big two's superhero universes right now. Arguably, a few too many. In between all the Black Lanterns, Sieges, and Hulk Wars, many readers seem to have missed another, less hyped but equally Earth-shattering event: Doomwar.
Of course, Doctor Doom is always scheming up new ways to conquer the world and put a stop to that accursed Reed Richards and his heroic shenanigans, but this time he seems to be onto a real winner. He's teamed up with some shadowy insurgents to wrest control of the Black Panther's country, Wakanda, from its rightful rulers. Taking over one country is pretty small potatoes for Doom, but Wakanda also happens to be the world's only source of the miracle metal Vibranium. In the hands of the right craftsman, Vibranium can make some amazing gadgets, like Captain America's shield, for example. But it can also amplify mystical energy, and Doom has a whole bunch of mystical energy at his fingertips. With ten thousand tons of Vibranium at his command, Doom could easily become the most powerful force ever to walk the Earth. And considering some of the folks who have walked the Marvel U's Earth, we're talking about some serious power.
To conquer Wakanda, Doom had to get King T'Challa, AKA the Black Panther, out of the way. That also means dealing with Queen Ororo, AKA the X-Men's Storm. As you can imagine, the X-Men aren't very happy to see Storm arrested and sentenced to execution for "treason." When an angry T'Challa shows up looking for some help to take back his country, he finds some more-than-willing mutants ready to go kick butt and chew bubblegum. Need I even mention that they're all out of bubblegum?
With the X-Men, the Black Panther, and Doctor Doom already invilved, you can bet it won't be long before even more of the Marvel Universe is pulled into the Doomwar. Writer Jonathan Maberry has gotten this story off to a compelling start. The characters are well-written, the stakes are high, and the drama will quickly pull you in. (And the last scene of the first issue is a definite "Whoa!" moment.) Scot Eaton's art is an excellent complement to the story, with loads of detail that lends the characters and events of this tale some serious dramatic heft. Best of all, this "event" is confined to one limited series, so you don't have to worry about a bazillion crossovers or spin-offs.
So, to reiterate: DOOM, baby, DOCTOR DOOM! (He's got a PHD in kicking your butt!) You know you love him, but if you don't give this guaranteed Book of the Week a try, you just might find yourself on his "naughty" list. Believe me, you DON'T want to be on Doom's naughty list. Pick up Doomwar #1 today, or you'll be sorry you didn't. Why? Because DOOM, that's why.
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