Even in the most normal of families, kids are frequently appalled by their parents. They dress funny, and say weird things, and are just embarassing all the way round. So you can imagine how much worse it is when your parents turn out to be evil super-villains who want to rule the world. Getting grounded would be the least of your worries!
That is precisely the problem that the young heroes of Runaways had to deal with. When these kids discovered that their parents were on the wrong side of the good/bad divide, they stole a bunch of their folk's villainous gear and ran away from home. Even though they eventually defeated their parents, the Runaways troubles are far from over. Not only do they have to fend for themselves in the world, but they have to deal with any threats that rise up to fill in the void left by their naughty moms and dads.
Of course, some threats are more personal than others. When friends of the Runaways' disgraced, and dead, former leader (Alex Wilder) try to ressurect Alex, they actually succeed in bringing back a young version of Alex's evil dad. (I know this is confusing, but that's what it's like to be a teenager, isn't it?) Needless to say, Geoffrey Wilder isn't any too pleased to find out what these bratty kids have gotten up to. As far as he's concerned, it is time for a SERIOUS spanking!
Runaways #15 is written by Brian K. Vaughan, with pencils by Adrian Alphona. Vaughan has a reputation for telling great stories (Y: The Last Man and Mystique, to name just two), and he lives up to that reputation here. The characters are well-developed, and the messes they find themselves in seem believable, even though they are firmly set in crazy super-hero world. Alphona's art is clean and simple, with enough style (and a bit of anime influence) to keep things visually interesting.
No matter how weird your family may be, your domestic troubles will seem like a breeze compared to the lives of the Runaways! So don't run away from home, pick up Runaways #15 today and you'll feel much better about your own life. Try it now, while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. It's way cheaper than counselling!