Shhhh! Can you keep a secret? I hope so, because we are gonna talk about some seriously classified stuff today. Secret society stuff. Don't mention a word of this to anyone, or we may have to send some men in black over to "re-educate" you. We understand each other? Good.
A lot of people believe that there are secret societies ruling the world from behind the scenes. Personally, I'm a bit sceptical. Our government can't even keep its bribery and adultery scandals secret, let alone hide alien spaceships or conceal the fact that the Freemasons are really ruling the world. I think some people find comfort in the idea of secret societies. If most of our elected officials seem incompetent, isn't it nice to think the REALLY smart people are in control behind the scenes?
Of course, the Marvel Universe is a bit different from the real world. In their universe, there really are some people who may just be smart enough to run things from behind the scenes. At least, Tony Stark (AKA Iron Man) thinks so. In the New Avengers: Illuminati special, the history of Marvel's secret society is finally revealed. After the Kree-Skrull War, Stark decides that the world's heroes need to unite, work together, and share information to prevent possible future disasters on the same massive scale. To that end, Tony gathers the leaders and great minds of the super-human community: Reed Richards, Charles Xavier, Black Bolt, Namor, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and (of course) himself. Unfortunately, great minds also come with great differences of opinion, and things don't work out quite the way Tony plans...
If you are planning to read any of the big events taking place in the Marvel Universe this year, you really need to read Illuminati. Planet Hulk, Civil War, and upcoming events in New Avengers, all spin out of this book. If you want a peek behind the scenes, to see who has been shaping the events of the Marvel U for the last couple of decades, you need to read Illuminati. If you like any of the other great books by creators Brian Bendis (who writes like 100 books a month nowadays) and Alex Maleev, you need to read Illuminati. So, to sum up, you need to read Illuminati.
We all know that one-shot specials often turn out to be pretty easy to pass up, having minimal repercussions and forgettable storylines. Don't make that assumption with this book! This is a key issue that will be pivotal to events in the months ahead. Get in the know, and read New Avengers: Illuminati! Just don't go running your mouth about it later. Loose lips and all that. Put on your extra-dark shades and skulk down to Four Color Fantasies to pick up a copy of this guaranteed Book of the Week. Ssshhhhhh!
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