Wolverine: He's the best there is at what he does. And what he does is carry around an enormously convoluted backstory! For decades, Wolvie has been the go-to guy for enigmatic storytelling. He's had so many different phony origins and shocking revelations that were later revealed to be untrue, no one knows what to believe about poor old Logan. In fact, he's had enough fictional memory implants and episodes of amnesia, that even Wolverine doesn't know his real past.
Marvel is hoping to change all that with the new ongoing series Wolverine: Origins. It could be argued that, what with being in the X-Men, the Avengers, and his own book, we already have more than enough Wolverine each month. However; thanks to the events of the recent House of M series, this book does have a purpose in the Wolvie-verse. During the big M-event, Logan got the one thing he always wanted: his memory came back! Of course, a hundred years worth of returned memories does bring back a whole bunch of unfinished business that needs takin' care of.
Wolverine: Origins gives writer Daniel Way and artist Steve Dillon the opportunity to work through all of that unfinished business with Logan. This series focuses on Wolvie's attempts to take care of business and get some payback for all the crummy stuff that various governments and evil organizations have heaped on him over the last century or so. With these events all kept in this book, the creative team don't have to worry about any crossovers or world-changing catastrophies going on in the rest of the Marvel Universe. Just pure angry-Logan action!
The team is off to a good start in Origins #1. Wolvie doesn't fool around. Now that he has his memories back, he heads straight to the White House to ask a few "pointed" questions. (Get it? Pointed? Claws? Ha!) Unfortunately, nothing is ever simple for Wolverine, and SHIELD, a nuclear missile, and a huge killer robot all end up involved. Way's story is intense and fast-paced, as all the best Wolverine stories are. Dillon's realistic art brings a great, hard edge to this gritty tale. Nobody draws better tooth-gritting tough guys than Steve Dillon. Wolvie is clearly here to chew gum and kick butts, but he's NEVER been much of a gum chewer! Plus, for all you old-school fan folks, this series features Wolvie in his classic 1980s brown and tan costume!
If you like Wolverine, but don't want to read any of the universe-spanning crossovers he tends to appear in, this is the book for you. This title is all set to be great self-contained, butt-kicking fun. This is your chance to find all the answers about Wolverine's past in one convenient place. Give it a try, bub! Especially now, while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week.
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