The end of summer can be a tough time. There's a nip in the air, kids have gone back to school, leaves are starting to turn brown and fall from the trees. Oh, and, worst of all, you get one of those darn September/October colds that you can't quite get rid of. You get the sniffles and a scratchy throat. You're not really sick enough to stay in bed, just sick enough to feel miserable. At least, you THINK it's a cold. What else could it be? Maybe it's just the end of the world...
In the wake of Marvel's successful team-up with Stephen King on the Dark Tower series, we have another, even more ambitious, project from the House of Ideas and the best selling author. The Stand: Captain Trips #1 is the beginning of Marvel's adaptation of Stephen King's longest, and most beloved, novel. If you ask any Stephen King fan, I'd lay fair odds that they'll rank The Stand as King's best. It was once recommended to me as the book that you'll love, even if you don't like anything else by Stephen King. Considering the epic length of this book, Marvel seems to have made a wise move by adapting it as a series of mini-series, rather than one massive run. It should keep things manageable for both readers and creators.
Captain Trips introduces us to a virus that destroys civilization as we know it. Things starts out innocently enough when Charlie Campion rushes home in the middle of the night to collect his wife and baby. There's been an accident at the military base. Everyone there is dead, but Charlie got out in time. He's taking his family far away. Luckily, the wind seems to be blowing away from them, so everything is going to be alright. Though Charlie does seem to have a nagging cough...
Of course, it isn't long before the disease is spreading, people are dying, and no one can safely assume that a cold is just a simple cold. The script by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa sticks closely to King's book, while doing a great job of making the story work as a comic. This is a story that takes place in a very real world, filled with very real people, and the art from Mike Perkins perfectly captures that realistic vibe. You could easily see the same guys hanging out at your local filling station as the guys who pull the dying Campion from his car. The fact that this could all believably be happening to you, to your friends and neighbors, is what makes the horror so effective.
So hypochondriacs beware! If the faintest sniffle, ache, or pain sends you into a panic, you may not have a strong enough constitution for The Stand! For everyone else, this first issue is your chance to get in on what could well be the next big thing in comics. What more could readers hope for than some of Marvel's best creators adapting the most popular work of one of the most successful writers of all time? That's a load of superlatives! So grab a tissue, take some vitamin C, and pick up a copy of this guaranteed Book of the Week. Just make sure your hands are clean before you come in the store...
In the wake of Marvel's successful team-up with Stephen King on the Dark Tower series, we have another, even more ambitious, project from the House of Ideas and the best selling author. The Stand: Captain Trips #1 is the beginning of Marvel's adaptation of Stephen King's longest, and most beloved, novel. If you ask any Stephen King fan, I'd lay fair odds that they'll rank The Stand as King's best. It was once recommended to me as the book that you'll love, even if you don't like anything else by Stephen King. Considering the epic length of this book, Marvel seems to have made a wise move by adapting it as a series of mini-series, rather than one massive run. It should keep things manageable for both readers and creators.
Captain Trips introduces us to a virus that destroys civilization as we know it. Things starts out innocently enough when Charlie Campion rushes home in the middle of the night to collect his wife and baby. There's been an accident at the military base. Everyone there is dead, but Charlie got out in time. He's taking his family far away. Luckily, the wind seems to be blowing away from them, so everything is going to be alright. Though Charlie does seem to have a nagging cough...
Of course, it isn't long before the disease is spreading, people are dying, and no one can safely assume that a cold is just a simple cold. The script by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa sticks closely to King's book, while doing a great job of making the story work as a comic. This is a story that takes place in a very real world, filled with very real people, and the art from Mike Perkins perfectly captures that realistic vibe. You could easily see the same guys hanging out at your local filling station as the guys who pull the dying Campion from his car. The fact that this could all believably be happening to you, to your friends and neighbors, is what makes the horror so effective.
So hypochondriacs beware! If the faintest sniffle, ache, or pain sends you into a panic, you may not have a strong enough constitution for The Stand! For everyone else, this first issue is your chance to get in on what could well be the next big thing in comics. What more could readers hope for than some of Marvel's best creators adapting the most popular work of one of the most successful writers of all time? That's a load of superlatives! So grab a tissue, take some vitamin C, and pick up a copy of this guaranteed Book of the Week. Just make sure your hands are clean before you come in the store...
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