Have you ever, in an idle moment, thought about how great it would be if some mysterious relative you never knew suddenly died and left you an enormous fortune? C'mon, you know you have. How about if we sweeten the deal by throwing in a gorgeous executor of the will, a femme fatale or two, and a mysterious archeological artifact? All that and more is up for the taking in Hunter's Fortune #1.
Boom Studio's Hunter's Fortune, by Andrew Crosby, Caleb Monroe, and artist Matt Cossin, tells the unlikely story of Hunter Prescott. Hunter is a typical young slacker. He's three months behind on his rent, his car has been towed, and if he moves in with his even more useless buddy Trip, they might be able to afford to get the electricity turned back on. Luckily for Hunter, just as he seems to be going through the worst day of his life, a mysterious, beautiful, and well-dressed woman shows up with a limo to whisk him away from all his troubles.
Of course, he soon finds himself with a whole NEW set of problems. Hunter's Uncle Max, who Hunter has never even heard of, has died and left Hunter everything. Everything, in this case, is an estate worth 650 million dollars. Good old Uncle Max! Hunter soon discovers that his wayward uncle was a treasure hunter of the highest order, and the only condition for keeping the vast esate left to him is that he has to carry on Max's work. By finding the one artifact that eluded him, King Arthur's sword, Excalibur. How hard could it be, right?
The elements of this story are nothing new: lost treasure, beautiful, but dangerous, women, coded journals, mysterious keys, an ancient arifact, and an everyman hero. However, these old tropes stick around for a reason. They're loads of fun! The story moves along very quickly, with the writers setting up everything we need to know about these characters as economically as possible. Max and his buddy Trip are instantly likable losers, and the cast of characters around them is put in place without a wasted line or panel. Cossin's character designs are unique and interesting, with just a hint of manga influence. Great art and a fun story make this book a must-read for fans of high adventure!
If you like Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, or (like me) can't stop playing Uncharted 2, you are sure to love Hunter's Fortune! Fortunately, you don't have to climb up a Tibetan mountain, or discover an ancient civilization to enjoy this book. In fact, you don't have to take any risks at all, because Hunter's Fortune #1 is guaranteed all week at Four Color Fantasies! Just look out for the boulder strewn, flaming, Path of Doom we installed by the front door. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
Boom Studio's Hunter's Fortune, by Andrew Crosby, Caleb Monroe, and artist Matt Cossin, tells the unlikely story of Hunter Prescott. Hunter is a typical young slacker. He's three months behind on his rent, his car has been towed, and if he moves in with his even more useless buddy Trip, they might be able to afford to get the electricity turned back on. Luckily for Hunter, just as he seems to be going through the worst day of his life, a mysterious, beautiful, and well-dressed woman shows up with a limo to whisk him away from all his troubles.
Of course, he soon finds himself with a whole NEW set of problems. Hunter's Uncle Max, who Hunter has never even heard of, has died and left Hunter everything. Everything, in this case, is an estate worth 650 million dollars. Good old Uncle Max! Hunter soon discovers that his wayward uncle was a treasure hunter of the highest order, and the only condition for keeping the vast esate left to him is that he has to carry on Max's work. By finding the one artifact that eluded him, King Arthur's sword, Excalibur. How hard could it be, right?
The elements of this story are nothing new: lost treasure, beautiful, but dangerous, women, coded journals, mysterious keys, an ancient arifact, and an everyman hero. However, these old tropes stick around for a reason. They're loads of fun! The story moves along very quickly, with the writers setting up everything we need to know about these characters as economically as possible. Max and his buddy Trip are instantly likable losers, and the cast of characters around them is put in place without a wasted line or panel. Cossin's character designs are unique and interesting, with just a hint of manga influence. Great art and a fun story make this book a must-read for fans of high adventure!
If you like Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, or (like me) can't stop playing Uncharted 2, you are sure to love Hunter's Fortune! Fortunately, you don't have to climb up a Tibetan mountain, or discover an ancient civilization to enjoy this book. In fact, you don't have to take any risks at all, because Hunter's Fortune #1 is guaranteed all week at Four Color Fantasies! Just look out for the boulder strewn, flaming, Path of Doom we installed by the front door. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
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