Sunday, November 01, 2009

Amazing Characters, Quotable Lines, Gorgeous Art - Overdose on Sugarshock Today

Sugarshock! No, it's not a delicious new breakfast cereal, OR the condition you might find yourself in after eating a box of Twinkies and washing them down with Mountain Dew. Sugarshock is the greatest, most rock-tacular, band on the planet, or even in the universe! (Second only to their arch-nemesis Sensitive Guy, anyway.) They make music that speaks to everyone, except for Vikings, and they will totally rock you, as soon as you work out the six or seven issues in subclause 72B that have to do with merchandising rights....

Sugarshock is also a comic from the amazing creative team of Joss Whedon and Fabio Moon. But not just any comic! Oh no! It's a hilarious, bizarre, amazing work of insane genius. And also the best thing Joss Whedon has ever written. And he's written a lot of great stuff, so, you know, Sugarshock is really, really, excellent. (Also, this comic would not be the pinnacle of graphic storytelling that it is without Fabio Moon's brilliant art!) This work for the ages was actually created to launch Dark Horse's online version of Dark Horse Presents, an anthology designed to show off the work of the best creators out there, giving them a chance to do unique and experimental work. Those of you who weren't paying attention may have missed this great story when it first appeared but, luckily for you, Dark Horse has collected the whole thing into one awesome One-Shot Wonder!

So, who is Sugarshock, you ask? The members of this amazing quartet are Dandelion, Wade, L'Lihdra, and Robot Phil. Dandelion is a punk rock girl who may or may not belong to a secret government agency that may or may not authorize her to use deadly force when necessary. She also has a theory about Lincoln that would truly shake the world's historians, and she really, REALLY, hates Vikings. Wade is an incredible drummer, an alien princess, and has a dangerous tendency to go through groupies at an alarming rate. L'Lihdra is Wade's mystically enhanced bodyguard, and a deadpan guitar goddess. And Robot Phil is a robot. Named Phil. He likes to ride shotgun, and doesn't think it is cool that Dandelion keeps threatening her friends with deadly force.

In this Sugarshock One-Shot, our heroes must face the musical threats of Sensitive Guy, AND the universe-wide Battle of the Bands! You can't miss this comic, because, if you do, you will never find out the fate of the Earth. Or the fate of Wade's groupies. Or the fate of Robot Phil's legs. Will Dandelion unleash deadly force? Or the titanic power of the Saddest Song in the World? What's up with Abraham Lincoln, and those dirty, dirty, Vikings? There's only one way to find out the answer to all these questions! Read Sugarshock!

So, don't be a Viking. Head on over to Four Color Fantasies today, and pick up a copy (or two!) of Sugarshock, while it is our guaranteed Book of the Week. If you like great comics, you will love this book. It has an amazing cast of characters, a load of hilariously quotable lines, and gorgeous art. If you don't love it, you might as well hang out with a bunch of soulless squirrels. Is that what you want? To hang out with squirrels? Stupid squirrels.

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