Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Join this Secret Society: Stronghold #1

If comics are to be believed (and they should be!), the world around us is just teeming with cool, mysterious, incredibly powerful, ultra-secret societies. These groups carry on campaigns to take over the world, conceal alien invasions, run the government, and protect us from the forces of evil. Most of them seem to offer pretty sweet employee benefits, too.

DDP's Stronghold #1 gives readers a glimpse into one such secret society. The Stronghold's job is to watch over and shelter a seemingly average guy named Michael. To them, Michael is also an amazingly powerful, god-like being known as The Primacy. His power is enough to accomplish a great deal of good in the world, but Michael doesn't know a thing about it. Instead of saving lives and becoming a hero, Michael drags through day after meaningless day in a dreary, lonely, unrewarding life.

The Stronghold believe that if Michael ever realizes his power, the world will be plunged into chaos and destruction. They believe that a truce has been called in the eternal battle of good versus evil, but that if The Primacy ever reclaims his title the truce is off. The forces of darkness will launch an all-out war on the forces of good. Result: the end of the world. To keep the rest of the world alive, Michael's life has to stay as dull and unfullfilling as possible. Makes being a god seem like a pretty raw deal, huh?

This book, by writer Phil Hester and artist Tyler Walpole, makes a great change of pace from all the super-heroics on the shelves. The characters are engaging, and there are enough mysteries in the world of The Stronghold to make readers anxious to know more. Best of all, I really have no idea where the plot is going after the first issue, and THAT is all too rare. Walpole's detailed black and white art is very realistic, which makes the fantasy elements of the story really stand apart from the mundane.

So, Stronghold #1 is a unique book with great art and an intriguing story. It is also Four Color Fantasies' Book of the Week. You have no reason not to try this book today. Of course, if you DON'T try it, The Stronghold may wonder just what you have against them. They may even have to start keeping you under close observation. I really don't think you want that, so try out Stronghold #1 now!

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