Friday, September 23, 2005

X-Men: Colossus: Bloodline

Before we even get started, I think it is only fair to warn you that this week's Book of the Week IS an X-Men spin-off limited series. I think we all know that those tend to be a little on the stinky side, but this one is actually pretty good! It was also relatively unhyped, and has gotten kinda lost in all the House of M/Infinite Crisis excitement of the summer.

Unfortunately, the title is an awkward mouthful, X-Men: Colossus: Bloodline. (I say no title should have more than 2 words, unless those words form a sentence, or at least a coherent thought.) As you may know, Colossus has only recently returned to the land of the living over in the rather excellent Astonishing X-Men. Having spent quite a while being thought dead, being tortured, and being experimented on, it is understandable that Piotr Rasputin (AKA Colossus) is having some "issues." He is plagued by nightmares, and a huge, armored Russian's nightmares can end up causing some serious property damage.

Pete tries to cope with the help of a little art therapy, but he is clearly still having some serious anger-management problems. The situation doesn't improve when Petey gets a mysterious message from the homeland. It seems that a killer with supernatural powers is working his way through the Rasputin family tree. Not only that, but the murders may have something to do with the most notorious Rasputin of all time...

Bloodline is written by David Hine with art by Jorge Lucas. It is nice that Hine's story is delving into Piotr's Russian heritage, since this aspect of the character has been mostly overlooked during his decades of X-Men membership. Lucas's art is very dark and moody, just the ticket for this creepy and edgy tale.

So, Colossus is back, the art is good, and the story is a unique direction for this character. Why wouldn't you give this a try? Don't let the generic and wordy title scare you away! Give X-Men: Colossus: Bloodline a read now, while it is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week! Pete has enough troubles, don't make him feel unloved!

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