Friday, September 09, 2005

Nothing Wackier: Cable and Deadpool #19

+So, you are a super-powered, pseudo-messiah who has saved the world but been artificially reverted to infancy. As you rapidly accelerate through puberty and adolescence, you need a place to go to wildly and hedonistically celebrate your return to manhood. With the whole world to choose from, where do you go? Intercourse, Pennsylvania, right?

Well, maybe not. As Wade (Deadpool) Wilson and Nathan (Cable) Askani'son discover in Cable and Deadpool #19, Intercourse does not really provide the lurid thrills that the name suggests. In fact, it is such a dismal disappointment that Wade and his young sidekick Nate have nothing better to do than sit in a dingy bar and grill drinking their troubles away. At least, Cable would be drinking if he was old enough. Which he is. Except he isn't. Yet. But he will be soon. Cable must be a very confusing guy to hang out with. No wonder the Avengers never ask him to join.

While these guys sit and drink (or not), they talk. Admittedly, a couple of guys chatting at a bar in Intercourse, PA does not sound like a very exciting comic. Fortunately, Cable and Deadpool have led much more interesting lives than the average man on the street. Their discussion reveals a lot about the difficult path these guys have traveled to become the world-saving mutant hero and psychotic merc-with-a-mouth odd couple we all know and love. Plus, no one makes running off at the mouth more entertaining than Deadpool! He's a talker, that one.

Cable and Deadpool, the wackiest team-up in the Marvel Universe, is brought to you by writer Fabian Nicieza and penciller Patrick Zircher. Nicieza helped bring both of these characters to fame back in the '90s, so he knows his way around the characters. His stories embrace continuity rather than avoiding it, even the crazy, twisty warped continuity behind Cable. He also does good work with Deadpool's incessant, reference laden chatter. (Though no one can touch Joe Kelly's run on Deadpool, but we won't hold that against Fabian.)

If you haven't been reading Cable and Deadpool, shame on you! Issue #19 gives you a great place to start. You'll learn everything you need to know about our intrepid heroes to join them in all their future hijinks and goings-on. Try it now while it is guaranteed as Four Color Fantasies' Book of the Week. If you don't, Deadpool will book your next birthday party in Intercourse, PA.

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