Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Godlike Return: Thor #1

He's back, baby! You just can't keep a good god down! We all knew that, Ragnarok or no Ragnarok, Thor would be returning to the Marvel Universe someday. It was just a question of when and how. Marvel faked us out during Civil War, but this is no crummy clone/cyborg Thor (AKA Clor), this is the real Asgardian deal. Get thee behind me, Clor!

Thor #1, by J. Michael Straczinski and Oliver Coipel, finds Thor hanging out in the void, just sort of "not being." He is paid a visit by his old alter-ego, Dr. Donald Blake, who has used his time in the void to find out the answers to a lot of important questions. His advice to the God of Thunder is, essentially, to cut out his selfish non-existence and get back to the land of the living. The mortal world needs a guardian, or imminent disaster awaits. (Plus, I think somebody needs to give Tony Stark a beat down. After the Hulk is done with him, that is. Clone Thor, indeed!)

JMS is a writer who plans ahead, so this first issue is just the start of Thor's latest journey. For old school Thor fans, JMS is bringing back everything you love about the character. We've got Donald Blake, Mjolnir (You can't keep a good hammer down, either), and Thor as protector of Midgard. It is pretty clear that Asgard and it's entire cast of characters will follow. Not that this series is just going to be a rehash of the past, Blake seems set to play a much more active role and Thor is bringing Asgard down to Earth, literally. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the Marvel U, post Civil War, reacts to a god in their midst. I have a feeling Thor will not be lining up to register with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coipel's art is gorgeous and dynamic, with Thor looking very godly and imposing. The addition of a chain mail body suit sort of thing to Thor's wardrobe has been somewhat controversial, but I like the look. It takes the character back to his medieval roots, without changing him too drastically from the classic Kirby design. It does look like it would chafe, though. ("The son of Odin requires baby powder! And lots of it!")

So, little mortal, hie thee to Four Color Fantasies and exchange thy meaningless "dollars" for Thor #1. Then wilt thou revel in the new exploits of the immortal God of Thunder! Shalt thou disrespect Thor by refusing to read his great chronicles? I SAY THEE NAY! If thou be not deeply moved, thy money shall be returned. If thou fearest to even try, there is a lightning bolt with thy name on it.

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