These kids today and their crazy fads: skateboards, hula-hoops, i-phones, and ZOMBIES. Yeah, kids just can't seem to get enough zombies nowadays, and who can blame them? There's just something about the walking dead, dragging their decomposing carcasses around in search of fresh brains that appeals to young and old alike. Zombies can be the ultimate, skin-crawling, horror, or hilarious B-movie comedians, or even a bit of both.
If you have been paying any kind of attention lately, you know that Marvel Comics (of all people!) has been having quite a bit of success in the zombie department recently. Playing off the old nickname for rabid fans who ONLY read Marvel books, Robert Kirkman (like Reeses) got some zombie in his superhero and created an alternate Marvel Universe reality where a zombie plague infected the heroes, who quickly zombified each other. Then they proceeded to eat the enitire civilian population of the planet.
The Marvel Zombies are unique in that, despite being dead, they retain most of their personalities and powers. Of course, even the best of them turn a bit evil, what with their insatiable desire for fresh human flesh to nibble on. In the first Marvel Zombies series, the last remaining hero zombies managed to kill and eat Galactus (now that's a hearty meal!) and absorb his cosmic power. Being out of food, they headed for space. Which brings us to Black Panther #28, by Reggie Hudlin and Francis Portela.
In his new role as leader of the Fantastic Four, T'Challa (AKA Black Panther) has led his quartet all over the universe. His chosen method of transportation, King Solomon's magic, golden frogs (no, I'm not kidding!), has proven pretty unreliable. Unexpectedly, the frogs have dropped the Four onto the Skrull homeworld of an alternate universe. A universe in which a bunch of Galactus-powered, decaying, zombie heroes have just dropped in for a tasty Skrull snack!! Mmmmm, fresh Skrull....
Black Panther #28 is a can't miss hit! Many readers may not know that the high-profile, original Marvel Zombies series is essentially being continued here. This issue (and those to follow) even comes with one of those amazingly popular Arthur Suydam zombie covers. So be sure to catch the next wave of undead fun and shamble to Four Color Fantasies today, where you can buy this guaranteed Book of the Week! (But please, if you drop any body parts in the store, show a little courtesy and clean up after yourself. Ick!)
If you have been paying any kind of attention lately, you know that Marvel Comics (of all people!) has been having quite a bit of success in the zombie department recently. Playing off the old nickname for rabid fans who ONLY read Marvel books, Robert Kirkman (like Reeses) got some zombie in his superhero and created an alternate Marvel Universe reality where a zombie plague infected the heroes, who quickly zombified each other. Then they proceeded to eat the enitire civilian population of the planet.
The Marvel Zombies are unique in that, despite being dead, they retain most of their personalities and powers. Of course, even the best of them turn a bit evil, what with their insatiable desire for fresh human flesh to nibble on. In the first Marvel Zombies series, the last remaining hero zombies managed to kill and eat Galactus (now that's a hearty meal!) and absorb his cosmic power. Being out of food, they headed for space. Which brings us to Black Panther #28, by Reggie Hudlin and Francis Portela.
In his new role as leader of the Fantastic Four, T'Challa (AKA Black Panther) has led his quartet all over the universe. His chosen method of transportation, King Solomon's magic, golden frogs (no, I'm not kidding!), has proven pretty unreliable. Unexpectedly, the frogs have dropped the Four onto the Skrull homeworld of an alternate universe. A universe in which a bunch of Galactus-powered, decaying, zombie heroes have just dropped in for a tasty Skrull snack!! Mmmmm, fresh Skrull....
Black Panther #28 is a can't miss hit! Many readers may not know that the high-profile, original Marvel Zombies series is essentially being continued here. This issue (and those to follow) even comes with one of those amazingly popular Arthur Suydam zombie covers. So be sure to catch the next wave of undead fun and shamble to Four Color Fantasies today, where you can buy this guaranteed Book of the Week! (But please, if you drop any body parts in the store, show a little courtesy and clean up after yourself. Ick!)
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