Hey kids! Are you ready for the awesome-est, most fun-tastic, squirrel-tacular fun of the summer? OK, that's a trick question. Of course you are! Brace yourself for more fun and excitement than you can shake a doorknob at because here comes the Dead-Pool/GLI Summer Fun Spectacular! Wowwee!
A whole host of incredible creators, like that Slott guy, Fabian Whatsisname, and a bunch of poeple that can draw pretty pictures, all got together to bring you the latest adventures of the (now government funded) Great Lakes Initiative and tales of their titanic team-up with the Merc with the Mostest-Dead-Pool! OK, he's actually more like an unwanted houseguest who never leaves rather than a real team-up partner, but Dead-Pool is still 100% awesome.
This comic is packed to the edges with great stuff, like Dead-Pool's date with Big Bertha, Dead-Pool killing Mr. Immortal, Dead-Pool playing in the tub with Flatman, and Dead-Pool eating pork rinds while watching Bea Arthur on TV. But wait! There's more! You'll get to see the GLI's new state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line, super-secret, fully-hyphenated headquarters! You'll thrill to exciting vehicles like the Flat-a-maran and Big Bertha's Bumper Buggy! You'll get sage advice from Tippy-Toe, the world's most amazing squirrel, and, best of all, you'll experience the deepness of Penance and P-Cat, the Penitent Puss! If that doesn't make you run to the comic shop, I don't know what will.
The only thing wrong with this comic is that there's only one issue! Seriously, why the folks at Marvel haven't responded to my many e-mails demanding an ongoing Squirrel Girl series, I can't imagine. The fact that Marvel's most adorable, smartest, most powerful and effective (she beat Doom and Thanos, afterall), female hero doesn't have her own book is a crying shame. C'mon, at least give us a Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl action figure, with Tippy-Toe and plenty of nutsacks!
Anyway, it's got Dead-Pool, it's got Squirrel Girl, and it's a whole heap of wacky summer fun, so what could you possibly be waiting for? An invitation? Consider it done! You're hereby invited to Four Color Fantasies to buy the Dead-Pool/GLI Summer Fun Spectacular! It's guaranteed. All we ask in return is that you don't wipe your pork rind smeared fingers on the comics! I say that's a bargain! Wowwee!
A whole host of incredible creators, like that Slott guy, Fabian Whatsisname, and a bunch of poeple that can draw pretty pictures, all got together to bring you the latest adventures of the (now government funded) Great Lakes Initiative and tales of their titanic team-up with the Merc with the Mostest-Dead-Pool! OK, he's actually more like an unwanted houseguest who never leaves rather than a real team-up partner, but Dead-Pool is still 100% awesome.
This comic is packed to the edges with great stuff, like Dead-Pool's date with Big Bertha, Dead-Pool killing Mr. Immortal, Dead-Pool playing in the tub with Flatman, and Dead-Pool eating pork rinds while watching Bea Arthur on TV. But wait! There's more! You'll get to see the GLI's new state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line, super-secret, fully-hyphenated headquarters! You'll thrill to exciting vehicles like the Flat-a-maran and Big Bertha's Bumper Buggy! You'll get sage advice from Tippy-Toe, the world's most amazing squirrel, and, best of all, you'll experience the deepness of Penance and P-Cat, the Penitent Puss! If that doesn't make you run to the comic shop, I don't know what will.
The only thing wrong with this comic is that there's only one issue! Seriously, why the folks at Marvel haven't responded to my many e-mails demanding an ongoing Squirrel Girl series, I can't imagine. The fact that Marvel's most adorable, smartest, most powerful and effective (she beat Doom and Thanos, afterall), female hero doesn't have her own book is a crying shame. C'mon, at least give us a Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl action figure, with Tippy-Toe and plenty of nutsacks!
Anyway, it's got Dead-Pool, it's got Squirrel Girl, and it's a whole heap of wacky summer fun, so what could you possibly be waiting for? An invitation? Consider it done! You're hereby invited to Four Color Fantasies to buy the Dead-Pool/GLI Summer Fun Spectacular! It's guaranteed. All we ask in return is that you don't wipe your pork rind smeared fingers on the comics! I say that's a bargain! Wowwee!
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