Sweet Aunt Petunia! For most folks, getting zapped by cosmic rays and mutating into a big, rocky, orange "thing" would just be too much to handle. Lucky for us, Ben Grimm is not most folks. He took the hand fate (and maybe Reed Richards) dealt him, and became the "Ever Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing", member of the Fantastic Four, and idol of millions. Now, Ben gets a chance to take center stage in his own book, The Thing.
The Thing, by Dan Slott and Andrea DiVito, is one of those comics that is just plain FUN to read. (Something Slott is quickly becoming known for. There is a new issue of his excellent She-Hulk series out this week too!) This series is very much in the same vein as Ben's previous starring vehicle, Marvel Two-In-One. Readers get a chance to see what the Thing gets up to when he isn't hanging with his "Fantastic" buddies. Of course, no matter how much Ben wishes otherwise, things tend to go a little haywire whenever he's around...
Even though this is the second issue of the series, Slott does a great job making sure you have everything you need to know to jump right on and enjoy the ride. In this particular case, a ride to the death since Arcade (one of the coolest Marvel villains ever!) is on the scene! Ben accompanies his new girlfriend, and big time movie star, Carlotta LaRosa to a fancy-shmancy high society party in his honor. Unfortunately, Arcade crashes the party and Ben finds himself, along with all the wealthy guests, hijacked and trapped on the latest version of Murderland. Guaranteed to be fun, right up until the minute you die horribly!
Lucky for Ben, he isn't the only one there to help protect the hapless wealthy. He is joined by a few other upper-crust super-folks: Nighthawk, a reformed Constrictor, and Tony Stark (without his handy-dandy Iron Man suit). The Thing and his colleagues find themselves struggling to protect the civilians from the deadly fun of Arcade's "Abusement Park." All of which doesn't seem so bad, until Arcade unleashes the mind-numbing horror of "It's a Small War After All" on his unwilling guests. The horror...
Don't let Aunt Petunia's favorite nephew down! Ya owe it to your Uncle Benjy to try out this comic today! The Thing #2 is Four Color Fantasies' guaranteed Book of the Week. If you don't try it, you just KNOW it's gonna be CLOBBERIN' TIME!